Accepting His Redemption Plan!

Ruth 4:6

And the close relative (of Boaz) said, “I cannot redeem it for myself, lest I ruin my own inheritance. You redeem my right of redemption for yourself, for I cannot redeem it.”

God’s redemption plan began before the beginning of time.  If free will would be introduced to His creation, then God clearly had to give man an option between good and evil; i.e., choice.  Also, since no creation was equal to God, all mankind would be less than perfect, or made with some degree of defect.  This “sin”, or missing of the mark of perfection, was the nature by which all mankind entered this world. (Romans 3:23-24) King David echoed this in his amazing song of repentance when he said,

Psalm 51:5

“Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.”

Since God is all-knowing (omniscient), He already had a plan to buy us back (redeem us), from the evil one.  He also knew that the moment He put flesh over our spirit-man, the warfare of pleasure over obedience would begin.  The result would be man’s choice to be slaves to sin, children of the father of lies, and caught in a pathway leading to destruction.  The story of Ruth & Naomi is not just any ordinary story of redemption.  There are clear points of significance illustrating God’s Redemption plan.  The first is the path of sorrow, disappointment, and seemingly hopelessness, that becomes the very inspiration of resilience and commitment.  The second is the “Way” of one “kinsman redeemer” that’s in the direct path of a virtuous and gracious woman.  Next is the importance of the continuance of that name, which will eventually and directly lead the name above all names.  And lastly, there would be only one redeemer in the best position to pay the price for the continuance of life, and that more abundantly. 

The acceptance of this plan will require us to release our rights & privileges for a much greater plan.  The exchanging of the sandals in the midst of witnesses would become an enduring and solemn covenant.  There may be very little historical explanation for exchanging only one sandal; however, the thought of always placing your feet in one sandal that is your own, and another that you received in exchange, may be a constant reminder that you will always walk in a covenant relationship with another.  Let’s find perfect rest in His perfect redemption plan!


2nd    Hosanna My Heart! 

9th     A Perfect Plan

16th   Special Presentation

23rd    Where You go, I’ll go

30th   Soul Redemption


Purchased for Perfection