Purchased for Perfection

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.

King Solomon’s words of wisdom have consistently met the test of time.  His inspirational words in Ecclesiastes 9:10 reminds us that excellence in service requires a keen sense of initiative (…whatever your hand finds to do…), a deliberate will to act with unreserved strength (…do it with your might…), and a full awareness that we must seize the day and avoid procrastination (…for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going).  The redemption gift of Christ has perfectly positioned each follower to respond to our respective calls.  Our 2023 New Hope Fellowship Leadership “Level-Up” session was a “Boot Camp” for some and a “Re-Boot” experience for others.  The call to excellence in respective areas of service was a refreshing introduction to a new day and a new season of service.  Solomon’s charge, for those who “find their work”, can generate additional health-points to the Body of Christ:

  1. A lighter burden for others!  A familiar proverb reminds us that, “many hands make light work.” When everyone pulls a small part of the load, the burden is lessened on the others.   

  2. Easy Leadership!  Taking initiative will limit the burden of leaders to instruct, direct, or motivate others to act. Self-governance and initiative simplify leadership. 

  3. The Perfection Pathway!  Finding that “whatever” part of the work and acting on that need, will be essential to perfection or “wholeness”.  Those “whatever” tasks may not be listed anywhere or captured in the critical path to success; however, the initiative to identify and complete those easily overlooked details will be significant to whole health.  A perfectly made drinking straw will not function if its chute has a small crack or pin-hole. Likewise, a small pebble or foreign object can destroy a powerful aircraft engine if the object is sucked into its intake. King Solomon applied what seemed to be a familiar proverb of the day to one of his songs when he said,

Song of Solomon 2:15

“…the little foxes spoil the vines…”

This suggests that there are moments when we may be more concerned about the bigger foxes in our lives that seem to be a greater threat to our harvest; however, the overlooked “small foxes” may do as much or more damage to our products.  In essence, everyone’s role in the health of the body is very significant and important to the stability of the Body of Christ.  Yes, you may feel like you are only a little toe; however, your contributions to the body provides balance, stability, and wholeness.


4th     Resting in Excellence (Ecclesiastes 9:10) 

11th   Running with Excellence (Hebrews 12:1)

18th   Reaching for Excellence (Jeremiah 12:5)

25th   Responding to Excellence (James 1:12)


Believing in His Gracious Rewards


Accepting His Redemption Plan!